YouTez – The Ultimate YouTube SEO tool

Optimize Your Videos. Gain More Views & Followers.

YouTez offers the ultimate tool YouTube SEO Tool set for Creators & Marketers to optimize their videos against the YouTube algorithm and rank higher in YouTube & Google searches and recommendation engines.

What is YouTez?

YouTez is an all-in-one SEO tool designed specifically for YouTube content creators. It offers a comprehensive set of features to help you optimize your videos, increase your visibility, and grow your audience.

Try the Tools Now

Tag Generator
Channel Audit
Keyword Tool
Rank Tracker
Tag Extractor
HashTag Generator
Title Generator
Description Generator

Why YouTube SEO?

Thousands of videos are uploaded to YouTube every hour. With all this competition, how do you make your video stand out? What is the point of uploading videos if YouTube won’t serve them to viewers?

YouTube is the world’s second largest Search Engine. So it’s important to adopt a Search Engine Optimization mindset when you think about your YouTube content. YouTube Video SEO is key to improving performance on YouTube, and driving more views and follow

Stay ahead of the YouTube Algorithm

YouTube delivers video content to users through both search results and recommendation algorithms. These algorithms consider various factors about your video and channel, including view velocity, watch time, engagement, and textual content such as video title, tags, description, and tag usage.

YouTez’s YouTube SEO Tools are crafted to assist you in optimizing each of these factors, giving your videos the highest opportunity to be featured prominently.

Explore YouTez’s Powerful YouTube SEO Tool

YouTez provides a suite of tools to audit your channel, conduct keyword research, generate tags, brainstorm video ideas, optimize titles and descriptions, and track rankings over time.

With an SEO-focused, data-centric approach, YouTez eliminates the guesswork from YouTube strategy. Unlike other YouTube software that offers a mix of tools with unreliable data, YouTez gives you a competitive edge by providing accurate and reliable optimization tools.

YouTube Tag Generator

Just enter the keyword, topic, or subject of your video, and YouTez will suggest trending tags closely related to your search term.

Our technology identifies variations of your search term that are frequently searched on YouTube. Additionally, it analyzes the existing tags used by top-performing videos that rank for those search terms.

Insert Tags & Optimize Your Video

You’ll instantly receive a shortlist of keywords to choose from.

Simply select and copy the tags that best describe your video or the ones you’d like to rank for. Then, insert your chosen tags into the “Tags” box of your YouTube videos.

Why Optimize Tags?

YouTube Tags are keywords or phrases that sit behind your video - think of them as meta tags since they are invisible to your viewers. These video tags help YouTube understand what your video is about, and the types of search queries and audiences they should appear for.

Optimizing your tags with YouTez’s YouTube Tag Generator can directly help your videos rank better for particular YouTube and Google Searches.

YouTube Channel Audit Tool

Every effective YouTube strategy begins with a Channel Audit.

This powerful tool provides an overall score evaluating the performance of your Channel and Videos, along with recommending simple improvements.

The audit will highlight issues that could be hindering your channel’s growth, such as missing important profile data, and offer key insights on how well you’re meeting YouTube algorithm’s ranking factors like views and momentum.

You can also audit your competitor’s channel to see how they compare and gain valuable insights and ideas.

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Keyword Tool: The Ultimate in YouTube Keyword Research

Wouldn’t it be great to know what video content viewers are searching for?

Youtez’s Keyword Tool unlocks the power of keyword research on YouTube, revealing the hidden search volume for your target keywords.

This allows you to take a data-led approach to your YouTube strategy, creating videos that meet proven and quantifiable demand. The Keyword Tool is essential for any content creator on YouTube.

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Rank Tracker: Track Video Rankings in YouTube Search Results

Are your video optimizations driving improvements? It’s hard to tell without the right tools and data.

YouTez’s Rank Tracker tool shows you how your video ranks in YouTube search results for a specific keyword in a particular location, and monitors how that rank changes over time.

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Tag Extractor: Spy on competitors’ tagging strategies

Use Tag Extractor to uncover the YouTube tags used by your competitors or any public YouTube video.
By understanding which tags your competitors are using, you can identify keyword targeting opportunities and better position your video to compete.

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Title Generator: Create a great video title

Crafting an attention-grabbing video title is essential for making your content stand out and attract clicks.

Struggling to brainstorm video title ideas? Use the Title Generator to generate the best video titles based on your target keyword. We’ve compiled a database of potential titles inspired by successful videos.

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Description Generator: Optimize your video descriptions with best practices

YouTube offers up to 5,000 characters for your video description, which is often underutilized by creators.

The description is valuable real estate, not only helping your viewers understand you, your video, and your channel but also providing useful information to YouTube about your video and the type of searches or audiences it should be displayed for.

The more detailed and comprehensive your video descriptions, the better your chances of ranking for your target keywords.

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Key Features of YouTez:

  1. Keyword Research: YouTez provides in-depth keyword research to help you identify the most relevant and high-volume keywords for your content. By targeting the right keywords, you can increase your visibility and attract more viewers to your videos.

  2. Competitor Analysis: With YouTez, you can spy on your competitors and see what keywords they are ranking for. This valuable insight can help you identify gaps in the market and discover new opportunities for your own content.

  3. Video Optimization: YouTez offers a range of tools to help you optimize your videos for maximum visibility. From optimizing your titles, descriptions, and tags to analyzing your video’s engagement metrics, YouTez has everything you need to ensure your videos are fully optimized for search.

  4. Track Your Rankings: YouTez allows you to track your video rankings for specific keywords over time. This can help you monitor the success of your SEO efforts and identify areas for improvement.

  5. Custom Reports: YouTez generates custom reports that provide valuable insights into your channel’s performance. From audience demographics to engagement metrics, these reports give you all the information you need to make data-driven decisions about your content strategy.

How YouTez Can Benefit You:

1. Increase Your Visibility:

With YouTez, you can identify the most relevant keywords for your content and optimize your videos to rank for those keywords. This can help increase your visibility on YouTube and attract more viewers to your channel.

2. Outrank Your Competitors:

YouTez allows you to spy on your competitors and see what keywords they are ranking for. Armed with this information, you can develop a strategy to outrank your competitors and capture more of your target audience.

3. Improve Your Content Strategy:

YouTez provides valuable insights into your channel’s performance, including audience demographics, engagement metrics, and more. This information can help you refine your content strategy and create content that resonates with your target audience.

4. Save Time and Effort:

With YouTez, all of your SEO needs are taken care of in one place. You don’t need to juggle multiple tools or spend hours analyzing data – YouTez does all the hard work for you, so you can focus on creating great content.

How to Get Started with YouTez:

Getting started with YouTez is easy. Simply sign up for an account, and you’ll have access to all of the tool’s features. From there, you can start optimizing your videos, tracking your rankings, and growing your audience.

What are you waiting for? Sign up with YouTez now. Optimize your videos & get more views.